If you are a customer in the Cypress Creek Utility District, please read these important updates. Although temperatures are beginning to rise, we are not out of the woods yet.

CCUD operators, WETS (Water, Environmental & Technical Service, Inc.), have been actively watching our water flow monitoring system, for excessive water usage. Continuous water usage is usually caused by large leaks, typically from broken pipes. WETS has informed our Board this morning that the number of homes with continuous water flow (from both leaks and dripping) has tripled, straining our water pressure. Therefore when outside temperatures are >32 degrees, please do not drip water continuously in your home.

WETS has also been able to identify homes with broken sprinkler system backflow preventers. They have attempted to contact those homeowners but were not always successful. Water has been turned off to those homes that have not been able to repair the broken backflow preventers.

Water in our utility district remains safe to drink. Presently, we are NOT issuing a boil water notice.

We are all working together to keep your water safe. Your efforts to conserve water are greatly appreciated.

CCUD Board of Directors