Sanitary sewer cleaning and video inspections is scheduled from Monday, January 9, to Wednesday, January 25. within the Phase 2 area. The Phase 2 area is east of Jones Road, from Archmont Drive to Creektree Drive. Residents within this area should have already received a preliminary notice for the upcoming work on the front door. If any residents within the Phase 2 area have not received a “1-week notice” on the front door, please call Mike Blasczyk at 832-396-1233 or Dale Rogers 281-898-0636 with Insituform Technologies, LLC..
A second notice will be posted on the front door of the residents in Phase 2, 24-hours before work begins at any residence. Residents within the Phase 2 area should check their front door daily for the 24-hour notice.
While the Contractor will make their best efforts to stick to the tentative schedule, sometimes factors like weather and other circumstances may affect the schedule.