Cypress Creek Utility District has been informed that a portion of the video inspection of sanitary sewer lines had technical issues and will have to be re-done by the contractor, AIMS Companies.
Beginning on Monday, 8-16-2021, the crew will revisit about 5 manhole locations for this work. Below is the list of locations and addresses that will be affected.
Message from AIMS:
AIMS will need to re-video about 5 sanitary sewer lines which had bad video the first time they were televised. The addresses (and locations) that will be affected are shown below. This work will take one day and is schedule for next Monday, 8-16-21. On Thursday 8-12, AIMS will put door hangers on the affected addresses advising them of the work next Monday as well as their responsibilities and what they can expect (see attached).
Manholes 87A to Manholes 87B (Manholes located in road right of way)
- Balcrest Drive (between Glenway Drive and Cypreswood Drive)
MH 72 to MH 71 (manholes located in back lots)
- 10710 Elmdale Drive
- 10714 Elmdale Drive
- 10718 Elmdale Drive
- 10722 Elmdale Drive
- 10802 Elmdale Drive
- 10806 Elmdale Drive
- 10711 Fawniew Drive
- 10715 Fawnview Drive
- 10719 Fawnview Drive
- 10723 Fawnview Drive
- 10803 Fawnview Drive
- 10807 Fawnview Drive
MH 68 to MH 69 (manholes located in back lots)
- 10606 Elmdale Drive
- 10610 Elmdale Drive
- 10614 Elmdale Drive
- 10618 Elmdale Drive
- 10603 Fawniew Drive
- 10607 Fawnview Drive
- 10611 Fawnview Drive
- 10615 Fawnview Drive
MH 83 to MH 84 (manholes located in back lots)
- 10503 Elmdale Drive
- 10502 Fawnview Drive
- 10506 Fawnview Drive
- 10519 Glenway Drive
MH 111 to MH 114 (manhole located in road R.O.W.)
- Cypresswood Drive between Balcrest Drive and Jones Road