Order Postponing May 2, 2020 Election to November 3, 2020 Under Governor’s Proclamation Issued March 18, 2020

Order Postponing May 2, 2020 Election to November 3, 2020

Orden para Postergar la Elección del 2 de Mayo de 2020 al 3 de Noviembre de 2020

Lệnh Hoãn Tổ Chức Cuộc Bầu Cử Ngày 2 Tháng Năm, 2020 sang Ngày 3 Tháng Mười Một, 2020

關於依照2020年3月18日頒布的州長公告 將2020年5月2日選舉推遲到2020年11月3日之命令

A Statement from Texas Pride Disposal Regarding COVID-19

First and foremost, to all of our customers, employees, family, friends, and neighbors, we pray for a safe and healthy few weeks for everyone.

As we continue to navigate these unique times, please rest assured that we are doing everything we can to ensure that you garbage and recycle continues to be collected as scheduled. As our mission states, we are committed to providing the safest working environment for our employees as well as our customers. Here is what we are doing in response to COVID-19:

Our Service

While our employees typically receive gloves on a regular schedule, we are providing additional gloves and facemasks upon request. In addition, we are limiting the number of employees allowed in the operations area of our office at any one time.

Regarding our actual services, our employees are operating in one of the best environments, outside and in the direct sunlight. At this time, we do not foresee any interruptions in our services, however, increased volumes may cause some service delays.

Our Customer Service

We have provided our office staff the option of working from our office or working from home. Our phone system is capable of being plugged into any computer and working remotely, minimizing interruptions in our customer service.

While our staff is primarily still working, please note that several of our team members are also now working from home with their children. Coupled with higher call volume than usual, there may be some delays on our phone system. We encourage residents with inquiries to email us at service@texaspridedisposal.com or try our new chat option available on our website, www.texaspridedisposal.com.

Our Customers

While we are trying to make our services as seamless as possible for you, we are asking that our customers bag ALL waste in plastic bags so our employees can avoid direct contact with your garbage. While this may seem like an unassuming request and the likelihood of catching this virus from your garbage minimal, the mental health of our employees is just as important as their physical health.

Additionally, while recycling should always be placed loose in your recycle container, if residents are showing any signs of illness, please simply bag your recyclables they have come in contact with and dispose of them with your garbage.

From your Texas Pride Disposal team, stay safe, and thank you for being part of our family!

COVID-19 Update

We want to assure our customers that Cypress Creek Utility District is open for business and that we are maintaining all operations to keep our water safe. We are diligently monitoring Coronavirus/COVID-19 guidance from federal and state government agencies. We are taking the appropriate health and safety precautions and remain committed to meeting our customers’ expectations for safe, and reliable service.

For the safety of customers and employees to mitigate potential transmission of COVID-19, we encourage all customers to use online payment systems. You can pay your water bill through your banks online services or through http://www.waterbillonline.com.

If you need to drop a payment off at the office please utilize the payment drop box located outside to the left of our doors to drop off your check or money order payment.

Board of Directors

Cypress Creek Utility District

NHCRWA – Rate Increase

Effective April 1st the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) will be raising the rates that it charges the Cypress Creek Utility District (the District). Accordingly, the District is passing through this rate increase.

Therefore the NHCRWA charge on your water bill will increase from $4.24 to $4.68 per 1,000 gallons of water consumed on your water bill.

Currently the average monthly residential NHCRWA charge on your bill is about $26.97. The new rate will be about $29.77, a $2.80 increase.

Cypress Creek Flood Control Coalition Presentation

Mr. Jim Robertson, from Cypress Creek Flood Control Coalition, gave an interesting presentation at the March 12th CCUD board meeting. In addition to his role as Chairman of the Cypress Creek Greenway Project, he has volunteered much of his time advocating for flood control in our neighborhoods.

CCFCC was formed in 1999 in response to the floods in ’98 and ’94. Acting more in an advocacy role, they work closely with the Harris County Flood Control. Members of CCFCC currently include 24 MUDS, 51 HOA’s and civic associations as well as 121 individual supporters.

CCFCC is a nonprofit organization (501-C3) with a budget of $30,000 to $40,000 which is used mainly to fund flood related studies. For more information on these studies and historic milestones click here: http://ccfcc.org/historic-milestones .

Here is some other interesting information shared by Jim:

  • 15% of the $2.5 billion flood bond monies has been designated to projects in the Cypress Creek watershed, all of which have begun. To review all projects, go to Cypress Creek Flood Control website: https://www.hcfcd.org/Find-Your-Watershed/Cypress-Creek
  • The most prominent need right now is federal funding for the upper watershed “Cypress Solution” (3rd reservoir function) which was the area thought to be responsible for the Tax Day flooding.
  • Another prominent focus is an underground tunnel drainage conveyance system.

Jim encouraged community involvement by inviting everyone to the CCFCC open monthly meetings, typically the 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 6:30 pm at 14223 Lakewood Forest Drive, Cypress. Also, financial donations are always appreciated since they are the only source of CCFCC funding. For more information on CCFCC, click here: http://ccfcc.org/

Our Water is Safe to Drink

The water supply of the Cypress Creek UD was not affected by City of Houston’s major water line break on Thursday, February 27, 2020. There will not be a boil water notice issued by Cypress Creek UD at this time.

Cypress Creek UD receives its water from wells owned and operated by the district. Cypress Creek UD has no connection with any City of Houston water lines and therefore the crisis in the City of Houston has no effect on Cypress Creek UD’s water system. Therefore there is no need to boil water in Cypress Creek UD at this time. If Cypress Creek ever does have an incident where a boil water notice would need to be issued, Cypress Creek UD will notify its customers. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (the “TCEQ”) requires that a boil water notice be issued if the water pressure in a public water system falls below the minimum requirement. The district monitors and tests the quality of the water frequently once the water from our wells reaches the districts water treatment plant.

A good way to stay informed of a rare emergency instance where we would need to inform our customers is to sign up for email and text message alerts on our website.

Questions and Answers from Cypress Creek Flood Control

Do you have questions about flood mitigation efforts in the Cypress Creek watershed area? There is much information “out there” but reliable facts and information are sometimes difficult to obtain. As homeowners in the Cypress Creek watershed area, we need and deserve sound information to make the best decisions for our home and families.

The Cypress Creek Flood Control website has a list of Q & A’s that should provide answers to most of your questions. Here is an example of some of the questions addressed:

For a complete review of Cypress Creek Flood Control Q & A’s, go to: https://www.hcfcd.org/Find-Your-Watershed/Cypress-Creek/Cypress-Creek-FAQs

Sanitary Sewer Update – Phase One

The sanitary sewer rehabilitation project will be started on the main line along Balcrest Drive to Normont Drive. The work was scheduled to begin January 20 and last through January 31. The work should have minimal effect on traffic

For more information concerning the entire scope of the water lines and sanitary sewer lines rehabilitation for Norchester, go to the CCUD website at CyCreekUD.com.

Harris County Proposal for Norchester Drainage Improvements

The Harris County Engineering Department – Recovery & Resilience Division (HCED-RRD) completed a preliminary subdivision drainage study for Norchester. The study includes improvements that will add storm drainage capacity. The total estimated cost for the project is $11,918,041. The HCFCD Bond Program will pay for 50% of project costs. HCED-RDD is requesting Cypress Creek UD to pay the remaining 50%.