Additional Documents Posted

The District has posted on this website its March 14, 2019 Drought Contingency Plan and its December 5, 2017 Strategic Partnership Agreement with the City of Houston. These documents are posted under the “Documents” section of the “Resources” tab.

Drought contingency plans are to be implemented during periods of water shortages and drought, either at the District’s own discretion or in conjunction with the North Harris County Regional Water Authority.

A Strategic Partnership Agreement is for the City’s limited purpose annexation of commercial areas in a MUD in exchange for sharing sales tax revenues.

Implementation of Stage 1 Conservation Measures

Cypress Creek Utility District’s Board of Directors has implemented Stage 1 of the District’s Drought Contingency Plan, effective June 25 and continuing until a similar notice is provided that the implementation has been lifted. 

The goal is a 5% reduction in the use of all water and is voluntary at this time. Please conserve water daily under the following guidelines.

  1. District customers are requested to voluntarily reduce all water usage.
  2. Please check for and repair all leaks, including sprinkler systems, dripping faucets, and/or running toilets, and utilize water conservation measures such as displacement bags in toilet tanks, low-flow shower heads, and leak detection tablets.
  3. All outdoor water use should be curtailed. Please do not irrigate at all on Mondays.
  4. Residential customers with even-numbered addresses (or north & west sides of streets where no street address exists) should limit outdoor irrigation to Sundays & Thursdays between 7p & 5a.
  5. Residential customers with odd-numbered addresses (or south and east sides of streets where no street address exists) should limit outdoor irrigation to Saturdays & Wednesdays between 7p & 5a.
  6. All other customers should limit outdoor water usage to Tuesdays & Fridays between 7p & 5a.

Mandatory measures with penalties for violation may be imposed if a water shortage continues.

Two Important Notices from Cypress Creek Utility District

Surface Water Conversion

The CCUD Board has been notified that the District will soon begin receiving surface water. It could occur as soon as June 13, but the exact date is uncertain. The change in water disinfectant from chlorine to chloramines has been successfully completed without any complaints of district customers. Should customers experience any change in water color or water pressure during the change to surface water, please notify Water, Environmental & Technical Services, Inc at 281-469-2837. Please note you may notice a change in water flavor with the change to surface water.

North Harris County Regional Water Authority Fee Increase

The District will soon begin purchasing surface water from the NHCRWA and paying the NHCRWA’s purchase fee. Commencing with the District’s June billing cycle, the NHCRWA fee on your monthly water bill will increase from $5.06 to $5.56/1000 gallons of water consumed. This increase is directly related to the change from groundwater (well water) to surface water. Currently the NHCRWA fee on the average monthly residential water bill is about $39.16 for 7,740 gallons of water used, and with the increase it will be about $43.03, a change of $3.87. The increase will first appear on the bill you receive in July.

Notice of Conversion to Chloramine Disinfection

Dear Customer,

Cypress Creek Utility District (“District”) will soon be converting its water source from ground water to surface water. This surface water is supplied by the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (“NHCRWA”) from Lake Houston. In order to receive this surface water, the District must change the way it disinfects our water. Currently the District uses chlorine for disinfection and will be switching to chloramines for disinfection. For this change, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (“TCEQ”) requires the District to provide each customer with the notification on the reverse side of this letter.

NHCRWA advises homeowners who have water softeners to bypass their systems to prevent adverse impacts on plumbing and water quality due to the change in water quality of surface water.

We welcome your questions and / or comments. Please visit our web page ( and sign up for the latest District information.

Cypress Creek Utility District Board of Directors

Notice of Conversion to Chloramine Disinfection

On May 16, 2022, the Cypress Creek Utility District will be changing the disinfectant that we use from chlorine to chloramines. This change is intended to benefit our customers by reducing the levels of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in the system, while still providing protection from waterborne disease.

However, the change to chloramines can cause problems to persons dependent on dialysis machines. A condition known as hemolytic anemia can occur if the disinfectant is not completely removed from the water that is used for the dialysate. Consequently, the pretreatment scheme used for the dialysis units must include some means, such as a charcoal filter, for removing the chloramine prior to this date. Medical facilities should also determine if additional precautions are required for other medical equipment.

In addition, chloraminated water may be toxic to fish. If you have a fish tank, please make sure that the chemicals or filters that you are using are designed for use in water that has been treated with chloramines. You may also need to change the type of filter that you use for the fish tank.

April Board Meeting

The April monthly meeting of the Cypress Creek Utility District Board of Directors has been postponed to April 21, 2022.

This postponement is to avoid conflict with Maundy Thursday services at many churches.

A meeting notice and agenda for this meeting are available on our website at

Recycling Routes Delayed – April 2, 2022

Cypress Creek Utility District has been notified that some recycling routes have been delayed.

Texas Pride pickup crews are working this afternoon to complete recycle routes. Any collections not completed today will be picked up tomorrow (Sunday).

Anyone whose pickup is not completed tomorrow may report the issue on the Cypress Creek UD website at:

Click on the red button labeled “Report Trash/Recycle Problem.”

Notification from Texas Pride:

Dear valued customer,

Our crews are working hard to complete today’s recycle routes; however, we are experiencing some delays. Should we not be able to service you before the end of the day, we will service you tomorrow.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience, and feel free to contact our customer service department with any questions or concerns.

Texas Pride Disposal
Phone: (281) 342-8178 ( Monday-Thursday, 8:00-5:00; Friday 8:00-4:00 )

Special Meeting on Conversion to Surface Water

Wednesday, April 13th, 7:00 PM
Norchester Activity Center ( 13439 Jones Road, Houston, Texas 77070 )

Representatives from the North Harris County Regional Water Authority will be presenting information on the upcoming conversion of our water supply from well water to surface water. They will be able to answer questions about why, how and what effects conversion will have on our residential and commercial water supply.

The water disinfection process will be changing as well, mostly affecting taste and hardness of the water. There will be a lot of information about whether and how these changes will affect our home water filtration systems, water softening systems, aquariums, etc. The experts from NHCRWA will be able to answer your questions as they have been through conversions to surface water with other utility districts. CCUD will be sending informational updates throughout the conversion process but now is your chance to get best informed and have your questions answered.

Missed Trash Pickups

Cypress Creek Utility District has learned that some trash and/or recycling pickups were missed Saturday morning.

Texas Pride pickup crews are in the neighborhood and we have been told by management that missed pickups will be collected today.

Anyone whose pickup was missed may report the issue on the Cypress Creek UD website at:

Click on the red button labeled “Report Trash/Recycle Problem.”