There is a lot happening in the Cypress Creek Utility District (CCUD) in 2022 so we hope this newsletter helps to keep you informed and connected to activities in our CCUD community. For more details about our utility district and these topics over the next few months, please visit the CCUD website at
Trash / Recycle
Let’s start off with ongoing customer service issues with Texas Pride Disposal. Due to the high number of complaints (especially after the ice storm and the 2021 holidays) our CCUD Board added a red button on the CCUD home page to “Report Trash/Recycle Problem”.
Congrats to those who found and used the red button after the January 8th missed recycle pickup! After reviewing the complaints submitted online and communicating with some residents, the board is working closely with Texas Pride to send earlier communications to residents if there will be a change in the pick-up schedules.
NOTIFICATION TO RESIDENTS WILL BE DONE BY EMAIL AND TEXTS. If you have not already submitted your information to receive these communications and wish to do so, go to and click on “SIGN UP FOR DISTRICT ALERTS” at the top right corner of the home page.
Conversion to Surface Water
WHEN: The BIG change to CCUD customers in 2022 will be conversion from well water to surface water. We are on track to make the conversion in Spring, 2022, possibly in April. Once a definitive timeline is established, CCUD district customers will be informed. Watch for announcements in your monthly bill and by email notifications.
WHY: Widespread use of ground water has caused land to subside throughout Harris County. CCUD is located within the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA), a regional entity created to address subsidence. The regular increases in your water bill are directly linked to actions of NHCRWA and CCUD in preparing for the change in water supply.
In your January utility bill you received an insert from the NHCRWA, “The Rising Cost of Water”. In this pamphlet, you will find an article titled, “The Mandate” which explains the purpose of conversion to surface water.
“Groundwater withdrawal in Harris and Galveston counties is regulated by the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District (HGSD), a special purpose district created by the Texas Legislature in 1975 for the purpose of reducing land subsidence.
The HGSD requires the North Harris County Regional Water Authority to convert to an alternate water source via a 30% reduction of groundwater usage by 2010, 60% by 2025 and 80% by 2035.”
HOW: The conversion to surface water means that our water will change from well water to surface water from Lake Houston. You may have already seen construction work in our district to lay the new water pipes. The conversion to surface water may result in a change in taste due to the change in mineral content. At first you may also see a color change – if so, we ask that you report any color change to the water district operator, Water, Environmental & Technical Services (WETS) at 281-469-2837.
A special note about water softeners: Surface water tends to be lower in hardness and alkalinity. Water softeners can alter the stability of the water to your home. Due to the change in water quality of surface water, NHCRWA advises homeowners who have water softeners to bypass their systems to prevent adverse impacts on plumbing and water quality. Ultimately this is the homeowner’s decision, and if you have questions about your water softener system you should contact your water softener manufacturer’s representative or service company.
Resources for more information:
Upcoming Sanitary Sewer Improvements

A sanitary sewer rehabilitation project is tentatively scheduled to begin sometime around May or June. The project area is generally north of Norchester Village Drive and south of Idlebrook Drive. Excavation is not anticipated. Work will be performed within the sanitary sewer system by accessing manholes which are generally located in back yards.
Required Lead and Copper Testing 
The EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions took effect December 16, 2021 and require water utilities to make comprehensive reviews of their service lines, including customer lines. Utilities may have to work in customers’ homes to comply with new “find and fix” requirements or face stiff penalties.
Testing in customer homes will begin later this year, schedule TBD. All customers will be informed before testing begins. More information will come at a later date.