Gas Leak Alert – Notice to Residents as of 12:40 p.m. on 1/20/2021

Be aware that a gas line break has occurred on Balcrest Drive between Archmont and Brentway, near a construction area. The fire department and Centerpoint Gas are on the scene and repairs are being made. Gas smell is present in the vicinity and the fire department has closed off the area.

Balcrest is closed at this time and residents are requested to avoid the area. It is unknown at this time how long repairs will take.

No other information is available at this time.

Rob Nixon, Director

Cypress Creek Utility District

Water Line Replacement Work

Cypress Creek UD contractors are now working on replacing aging water lines in the district. Existing lines are original to the construction of the subdivision, and are near 50 years old and in need of replacement. The current phase of the project is main water lines in Section 1 of Norchester. Below is a list of areas being worked and estimated timelines from our district engineering.

Waterline replacement installation is scheduled to occur at the following locations as noted below:

  • Creektree Dr. (east of Balcrest Dr.) – late December and early January 2021
  • Dunbrook (east of Balcrest Dr.) – late December and early January 2021
  • Balcrest Drive (from Archmont Dr. to Dunbrook Dr.) – January 2021
  • Jones Road (from Norchester Village Drive to Cypresswood Drive) – February late January to April 2021
  • Balcrest Drive (from Cypresswood Drive to Jaycreek Drive) – April to June 2021.

The construction approach is to first install the water mains. The Contractor will typically install only what they can complete for a given day. So, if excavation starts in the morning, they will continue until the work is complete and the hole(s) are backfilled. At some time later in the project, the Contractor will come back and install valves and fire hydrants. They will also perform pressure tests and chlorination of the water lines. Once that is complete, they will connect the residential service lines to the new water line and finally connect to the existing water system for the new lines to be active.

The Contractor is expected to clean the site at the end of each day and the end of each week. The Contractor is required to restore any damage made to property (driveways, sprinklers, grass, landscaping, etc.) or public infrastructure. Any repairs are required to be made to the same or better condition prior to construction. The complete restoration will occur sometime toward the end of the project. For example, the sod will be placed at excavated areas at the end of the project.

As in all construction work, there will be areas where we will have excavation, moving equipment, and traffic congestion. Residents should be advised to exercise appropriate caution when traveling in or through these areas. We ask that residents explain these conditions to all members of their household or business and caution small children to avoid these areas. In the event residents need special assistance or attention during this period, please advise the Contractor so they can make necessary provisions. We understand this is an inconvenience to the residents, but hopefully it will be minimal. This project will enhance the quality and performance of your water. We appreciate your patience.

The Contractor performing the work is McKinney Construction, Inc. The superintendent is Jose Negrete (281-924-0396).

Replacing Aging Water Lines in Norchester

Cypress Creek Utility District is beginning phased projects to replace aging water lines in Norchester. The contractor has started work on Creektree and Dunbrook streets. Homeowners are being notified by door hangers when work is beginning, and we plan to provide updates on areas to be worked on as the work progresses through multiple phases.

Our contractor was able to start early on Creektree/Dunbrook due to the required pipe becoming available earlier than expected. We expect to get more notice on future segments.

This work involves completely replacing the old water piping (around 50 years old) in stages. First will be installing new piping in ground alongside the old pipe. That is beginning now. This stage will NOT require turning off water. Once the main pipe is in place, the contractor will go back through and connect the new main lines to service lines running to houses. This WILL require turning off water to allow reconnecting the service lines. Homeowners will be notified when this work will be done.

When these projects are completed, we expect to have a more reliable water delivery system that is easier to maintain and less intrusive to work on.

We look forward to serving you better with this new system.

Valve Survey

Cypress Creek Utility District will be conducting a valve survey the week of 09/28/2020.

During this time we will be isolating sections of water lines to determine the effectiveness of the valves in the water distribution system. During this time you may experience a short term water loss at you residence. This should last only 5 to 10 minutes.

Cypress Creek regrets any inconvenience this may cause you and appreciates your cooperation.

Board of Directors Election

The next election for Cypress Creek Utility District will be held on November 3, 2020.

Director candidacy filing requirements and deadlines are as follows:

To run for election to the District’s Board of Directors, a person must file an application for a place on the ballot. The application must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or his designated agent by mail, fax or in person. An application may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at

  • First day to file for place on November 3, 2020 general election ballot is January 15, 2020.
  • Last day to file for place on November 3, 2020 general election ballot is by 5:00 p.m. on February 14, 2020.
  • A person may run for election to the District’s Board of Directors as a write-in candidate and to do so must file a declaration of write-in candidacy. The declaration must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or his/her designated agent by mail, fax or in person. A declaration form may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at
  • Deadline to file write in candidacy declaration for November 3, 2020 general election is by 5:00 p.m. on February 18, 2020.

Harris County Proposal for Joint Participation in Area-Wide Drainage Project

At its meeting on April 9, 2020, the Board of Directors of Cypress Creek Utility District voted to decline a proposal from the Harris County engineering department for joint participation in an area-wide drainage project.

While each board member had her or his reasons for voting against the proposal, the primary, general consensus was that the plan proposed simply would not have provided sufficient flood control/abatement measures to all the area within the district’s boundaries. Among other things, the plan did not address nor provide any relief from flooding in areas east of Balcrest drive. The district’s share of the project was approximately $6,000,000 and would have required a tax rate increase. The Board concluded that the benefits did not justify the cost.

Water Usage

Please be aware of your increase in usage will cause your water bill to increase.

Recently, the average residential usage in the District has increased approximately 3,000 gallons per month.

Please use water wisely.

Lead & Copper Sampling

Between June and September, Cypress Creek Utility District will be collecting samples for Lead & Copper. These samples are to help us maintain the water quality in the District. We thoroughly appreciate the customers who cooperate with us by collecting these samples from their homes.

From time to time we have the need to add additional sample points (houses) for various reasons. If you are interest in participating with Cypress Creek Utility District’s Lead & Copper sampling, please contact us at 281-469-2837.